Confidence at the Staple Line
Over 20 years and 2.2 million implants later, PERI-STRIPS DRY with VERITAS is proven to improve clinical outcomes and reduce procedural complications.1,2,3

Strong From the Start (Burst Strength)*
An experimental study evaluating staple line seam integrity at intraluminal pressures in the immediate postoperative period with a canine model demonstrated:
Regardless of the operative techniques, the buttressed ileocolic anastomoses showed higher bursting pressures.*,8
Buttressed anastomoses never ruptured at the staple line.*,8
*Pre-clinical data results may not correlate to results in humans.
Additional Product Benefits
Outperforms Synthetic PGA Material
PERI-STRIPS DRY with VERITAS is derived from bovine pericardium and outperforms synthetic PGA material at the staple line over time in sleeve gastrectomy/gastric bypass patients.2
Reduced Risk of Staple Line Leaks and Bleeds
In a multicenter comparative use study, PERI-STRIPS DRY with VERITAS significantly lowered the risk of postoperative bleeding and leaks at the staple line compared to competitive products, over-sewing, and no staple line reinforcement.3
Fully Remodelable with Tissue Integration
Remodeling of PERI-STRIPS DRY with VERITAS entails two simultaneous processes that occur during normal wound healing: degradation of the VERITAS scaffold and deposition of new tissue and blood vessels, as demonstrated in pre-clinical studies*.4,5,6
*Pre-clinical data results may not correlate to results in humans.