Planet Surgery Podcast

Welcome to the Planet Surgery Podcasts.
These podcasts were developed to exchange and share surgical experiences from across EMEA, created by Baxter Advanced Surgery. They are designed to provide insights into the universe of surgeons, surgery and perioperative practitioners across the region. Listen to their stories, knowledge and how their practices are impacted and shaped every day, and how they address them.
These podcasts are intended for UK Healthcare Professionals only. Nothing in the contents of the podcasts should be construed as solicitation for or promotion of any products which is not authorised by the laws, regulations and industry codes of the UK
Endoscopic transorbital surgery to the skull base
In this episode our surgeon guest Dr. Alberto Di Somma, Neuro Surgeon at Hospital Clínic Barcelona, Spain, discusses about Endoscopic transorbital surgery to the skull base together with Marta Almarcha, Medical Science Liaison of Advanced Surgery Spain and Portugal.
When life stands still
In this episode our surgeon guest Dr. Ehsan Natour, Cardiovascular Surgeon at Maastricht Heart+Vascular Center in The Netherlands, shares about his experiences in improvement of the quality of patients lifes together with Iris Kyle-Leinhase, Medical Manager of Advanced Surgery Benelux and Germany.
Carotid endarterectomy – Changing the pathway to increase efficiencies
In this episode our surgeon guest Mr. Nicholas Greaves, Consultant Vascular Surgeon at Manchester Royal Infirmary, Manchester NHS Foundation Trust in the United Kingdom, discusses about carotid endarterectomy together with Catherine Gilbert, Medical Manager of Advanced Surgery UKI and Nordics.
A Proposal of structured management for Enteroatmospheric Fistulas
Listen to our surgeon guest Dr. Fernando Ferreira, General Surgeon at Hospital Pedro Hispano-ULS Matosinhos in Portugal, sharing his proposal for a structured management of Enteroatmospheric Fistulas together with Marta Almarcha, Medical Science Liaison of Advanced Surgery Spain and Portugal.
Minimally invasive craniotomy in posterior fossa
In this episode of Planet Surgery we sat down with Prof. Sonia Tejada From Spain, to discuss minimally invasive craniotomy in posterior fossa surgery challenges.
Adhesion reduction during gynaecologial surgery is essential to protect fertility
In this episode our surgeon guest Prof Rudy Leon DeWilde, University Hospital for Gynecology, Pius Hospital Oldenberg, Germany discusses the buden of adhesions in fertility with Gerhard Moersdorf, Director Medical Affairs EMEA, Advanced Surgery.
Bleeding and Sealing challenges in Thyroid Surgery
In this episode our surgeon guest Dr.James Van Bastelaar, Consultant Surgeon of Surgical Oncology and Gastrointestinal Surgery at Zuyderland Hospital, Sittard, Netherlands, discusses the bleeding and sealing challenges faced during thryoid surgery with Iris Kyle-Leinhase, Medical Manager of Advanced Surgery Benelux & Germany.
Checklist for neurosurgical haemostasis: a multidisciplinary approach
In this episode our surgeon guest Dr. Tomas Menovsky, Head of the Neurosurgery Department at the Neur-Vascular Centre Antwerp (NVCA), Univerity Hospital, Edegem, Belgium, discusses a multidisciplinary approach to Neurosurgical haemostasis with Gerhard Moersdorf, Director Medical Affairs EMEA, Advanced Surgery.
Hercules & Minos - Thoracic and abdominal aneurysm repair in the same procedure
In this episode our surgeon guest Dr. Juan Carlos Duran, Vascular Surgeon at Insular University Hospital, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, shares about Hercules & Minos techniques in the first case reported in Europe of thoracic and abdominal aneurysm repair in the same procedure together with Marta Almarcha, Medical Science Liaison at Advanced Surgery Spain & Portugal
Holosurgery, the next step in the operating room: A new paradigm in hepatic and pancreatic surgery
In this episode our surgeon guest Dr. Manel Cremades, HPB Surgeon at the Germans Trias and Pujol Hospital in Spain, discusses HoloSurgery as a new paradigm in hepatic and pancreatic surgery with Marta Almarcha, Medical Science Liaison at Advanced Surgery Spain & Portugal
360 Degree MIS Surgery: A multidisciplinary approach
In this episode our surgeon guest Prof Alaaddin Yilmaz, Cardiac Surgeon at Jessa Hospital in Belgium, covers a multidisciplinary approach to Minimal Invasive Surgery together with Iris Kyle-Leinhase, Medical Manager of Advanced Surgery Benelux & Germany.
Real World Data Collection for Pancreatic Fistula Outcomes
In this episode our surgeon guest Mr. Keith Roberts, ConsultantSsurgeon of Liver Transplant, University of Birmingham, UK discusses Real World Data collection for fancreatic fistula outcomes with Becky Whiteman, Medical Science Advisor
Neoadjuvant Treatment in Resectable Pancreatic Cancer: A paradigm shift?
In this episode our surgeon guest Dr. Nouredin Messaoudi, HPB Surgeon at the University Hospital of Brussels, Belgium, discusses neoadjuvant treatments that are changing the paradigm in resectable pancreatic cancer with Iris Kyle-Leinhase, Medical Manager of Advanced Surgery Benelux & Germany.
The use of ICG in Robotic Liver Surgery
In this episode our surgeon guest Dr Aude Vanlander, HPB Surgeon at UZ Gent, Belgium, discusses robotic liver surgery with Iris Kyle-Leinhase, Medical Manager of Advanced Surgery Benelux & Germany.
New 3D Holography Model for Highly Complex Surgeries
In this episode our surgeon guest Dr. Santiago Sanchez Cabus, HPB and General Surgeon at Sant Pau Hospital in Spain covers the new technologies behind highly complex surgeries and holographic models with Marta Almarcha, Medical Science Liaison at Advanced Surgery Spain & Portugal
Abdominal Rectus Diastasis Laparoscopic Surgery
In this episode our surgeon guest Dr. Federico del Castillo, General and Digestive Tract Surgeon at La Paz Hospital in Spain, covers the scenario of abdominal rectus diastasis during laparoscopic surgery with Marta Almarcha, Medical Science Liaison at Advanced Surgery Spain & Portugal
Bleeding Challenges in Vascular Surgery
In this episode our surgeon guest Dr Katarina Bjorses, Chief Physician in the Vascular Clinic at University Hospital in Malmo, Sweden, discusses the bleeding challenges in vascualr surgery with Par Wennbery, Medical Science Liaison.
3D printing in renal surgery
In this episode our surgeon guest Mr Steve Leung, Consultant Urological Surgeon from the Western General Hospital in Edinburgh, Scotland, covers the use of 3D printing in Renal Surgery with Becky Whiteman, Medical Science Advisor
CSF leakage prevention
In this episode our surgeon guest Dr. med. Stephan Nowak, Neurosurgical Consultant, discusses different techniques for preventing CSF leaks with Iris Kyle-Leinhase, Medical Manager of Advanced Surgery Benelux & Germany.
Hands-on surgical training during COVID-19 pandemic - how to organise and conduct
In this episode our surgeon guest Prof. Selman Uranus, Department of Surgery at the Medical University of Graz, Austria, shares the new ways to organise and conduct hands-on surgical training during the COVID-19 pandemic with Gerhard Moersdorf, Director Medical Affairs EMEA, Advanced Surgery.
VIBe Scale during the Era of COVID-19
In this episode our surgeon guest Mr Steve Leung, Consultant Urological Surgeon from the Western General Hospital in Edinburgh, Scotland, discusses the use of VIBe Scale - Validated Intraoperative Bleeding scale - during the era of COVID-19 with Becky Whiteman, Medical Science Advisor
Communication, Education and National Congress in times of COVID-19
In this episode our surgeon guest Dr Charles De Gheldere, Head of Genera;/Abdominal Surgery and President Royal Belgian Society of Surgery (RBSS), discusses the firrent ways of communicatioon, education and congresses in times of COVID-19 with Iris Kyle-Leinhase, Medical Manager of Advanced Surgery Benelux & Germany.
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